I have known Kelly since high school. We grew up going to the same youth group together. I have always known her to be adventurous, happy and the best hug giver! Brian and I were delighted to meet the perfect complement to our good friend. Dan is just as fun and adventurous as Kelly. We couldn't be happier for them.

They chose to see each other before the ceremony so we could get some non rushed shots of the two of them. I love it when couples decide to do this. The moment is so special. In this case, they took a couple of minutes to pray together after they saw one another. Just one of the reasons why I love being the photographer, it's such an honor to capture this for them.

Jumping off the stage after the kiss. Now this was original.

I love this moment. Immediately following the ceremony the couple sneaked down a hallway to be out of sight while waiting for the rest of the bridal party to gather for pictures. This is when it actually dawned on them that they were finally married and they couldn't contain their excitement.