Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Morning

I had just gotten up and out of bed. On my way to Abby's room and peered out the highest window on the vaulted ceiling. I noticed a gorgeous sky. This happens often, whether I'm driving home from work, getting ready in the morning or coming in from a late night, I notice the beauty of God's creation. It's been magnificent rainbows, a gorgeous moon, amazing bolts of lightning, beautiful foliage, and the sun breaking through clouds. I'm always wishing I had the time to stop and take it in because I know it will only last a moment.
As I passed by the window a second time, I couldn't resist any longer. I told Brian to keep an eye on Abby, summoned the dog and grabbed my camera. We hopped in the car and I prayed for God to lead me to the perfect location, one close by with enough open land. I immediately thought of the high school. It was incredible. Every shot was different. Every second the sky was changing and I couldn't adjust my settings fast enough. The baseball field was covered in water from the rain the day before. Joey absolutely loved it! He ran and ran. I took it in and enjoyed every possible moment.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

WOW what amazing photos! Awesome job Rachel!!! God sure lead you to the perfect location!!! :)